English 9

English 9 invites students on an engaging exploration of literature that celebrates diverse voices and narratives. By delving into a variety of texts, including novels, short stories, poems and non-fiction, students will encounter voices that reflect the rich diversity of our communities.

The course places a strong emphasis on fostering an appreciation for storytelling as a powerful means of communication and understanding. Students will analyze the ways in which authors craft narratives, exploring themes, characters, and cultural contexts. Through thoughtful discussions and written reflections, students will develop critical thinking skills and deepen their understanding of the power of language.

From Indigenous storytelling to works by authors from diverse cultural backgrounds, English 9 seeks to broaden students’ literary horizons. By examining literature through the lens of diverse voices, students will gain insight into the complexities of human experiences and perspectives.

English 9 aims to cultivate a love for reading, a keen awareness of diverse narratives, and a skillful approach to literary analysis. This course sets the foundation for a lifelong appreciation of literature and the understanding that every story told is an opportunity to broaden one’s understanding of the world.