English First Peoples 12

Embark on a profound journey with English First Peoples 12, a course that immerses students in the rich tapestry of Indigenous voices, critical and analytical thinking, expressions, and Indigenous worldviews. This course invites exploration of Indigenous literature, encompassing traditional stories, contemporary writings, and oral narratives, and explores themes such as connection (to oneself, communities, ancestors) and reciprocity.

Guided by the wisdom of Robin Wall Kimmerer, who eloquently expresses the interconnectedness of nature and humanity, students will embrace an Indigenous worldview. Kimmerer’s words resonate: “In the indigenous worldview, everything is animate. Everything has a spirit. Everything is connected.” This foundational principle serves as a compass, encouraging students to appreciate the interconnectedness of Indigenous literature within the broader context of Indigenous worldviews and of course within the Canadian context of Truth and Reconciliation.

English First Peoples 12 offers a unique opportunity for students to broaden their perspectives, cultivate a deeper appreciation for Indigenous voices, and hone critical thinking skills essential for engaging with diverse narratives.