Grade 10 Courses

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  • Athletic Leadership 10

     Students must apply to be accepted into this course which is designed to allow like-minded students the opportunity to explore interests in a range of athletic pursuits. The course will run together with P.E. 10 and builds on concepts established in Athletic Leadership 9. Students will be expected to learn… Read more

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  • Beginner Dance (Foundations) 9-12

    This is an inclusive course designed for any student interested in developing their identity and sense of belonging through movement. We will learn technical skills across a wide variety of genres to build self-expression, perseverance and resilience. This course is suitable for any student, from beginner to advanced, who wishes… Read more

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  • Career Life Connections 10

    Welcome to Career Life Education! This vital graduation requirement course provides practical and real-world skill development. Delivered primarily through Google Classroom, this curriculum focuses on goal-setting and professional communication.  This course actively engages with myBlueprint – a comprehensive tool to help you map out various aspects of your life, including… Read more

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  • Career Life Education/Connections

    Students on the New Graduation Program will meet the Career Education graduation requirement with: Grade 10 – Career Life Education Grade 11 – Career Life Connections A Grade 12 – Career Life Connections B/Capstone All courses are blended model courses; meaning they are not delivered during a regular block within… Read more

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  • Community Leadership 10

    Welcome to Community Leadership 10! This course is tailored to provide students with the chance to enhance their individual and collective sense of social responsibility by acquiring and applying leadership skills. Throughout the course, students will cultivate lifelong skills in goal-setting, time management, public speaking, school and community service, public… Read more

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  • Computer Studies 10

    Topics include: introduction to coding, business computer applications, hardware and networking.  This is a project based course that will improve any computer user’s proficiency.  It is a great preparation for Programming 11 and/or Computer Science 12.

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  • Dance Company 9/10/11/12

    This course is designed for students who want additional performance opportunities and/or are considering pursuing dance in some capacity after high school.  This course is open to all students with previous dance experience or training. This course aims to help each students improve their dance technique, flexibility, muscular strength, fitness… Read more

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  • Drama 10

    This course compliments and builds upon the skills and techniques practiced in Drama 9. Further emphasis is put on the development and production of student made videos as well as working with existing scripted work.  Students do not need to have Drama 9 in order to take Drama 10.  Focus… Read more

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  • EFP Literacy Studies + New Media 10-11

    English First Peoples New Media 10/11 is designed for students who are interested in exploring digital media in communicating and exchanging ideas about common themes in First Peoples texts and Reconciliation in Canada. In a rapidly changing world, new media influences people’s understandings of community. First Peoples themes will be… Read more

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  • EFP Literacy Studies + Writing 10-11

    People understand text differently depending on their worldview and perspectives. English First Peoples Literary Studies + Writing 10/11 is a course where students explore First Peoples literature in a wide variety of contexts, genres, and media. Throughout this exploration, students engage with cultural identities, histories, stories, and connections to land/place… Read more

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  • EFP Literary Studies + Oral Language 10/11

    Voice is powerful and evocative. EFP Literary Studies + Spoken Language 10/11 is for Indigenous and non-Indigenous students who want to study Indigenous literature and oral traditions, and for those who want to improve their oral language skills. A special emphasis will be put on how First Peoples voices and… Read more

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  • Electronics and Robotics 9-10

    Please click View Course to refer to the Ministry of Education curriculum website for details about this course: >>>Click Here<<<

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  • ELL Strategies 10

    This course is designed for students new to Canada or who are new to learning English. This course is tailored for grade 10 students within a Canadian context, focusing on enhancing language skills through diverse activities.  Students will refine reading, writing, speaking, and listening abilities, engaging with a variety of… Read more

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  • English 10

    Credits: 4 ENGLISH 10/11 Students can choose one of the following combination courses: English 10/11 Composition/Literary Studies English 10/11 Composition/Creative Writing English 10/11 Composition/New Media Composition: Composition 10 is crafted to actively support students in refining their written communication skills by engaging in a critical process of questioning, exploration, and experimentation…. Read more

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    English 9


  • English Language Development 10

    ESL students are introduced to the four main English language skills of reading, writing, listening and speaking.  It also encourages the viewing and representation of materials.  The course focuses on developing strategies needed to read, write and extract information successfully in English, and addresses specific needs of students regarding language… Read more

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  • Entrepreneurship and Marketing 10

    Marketing is one of the most interesting and fun business courses you can take. This course will teach you marketing from the perspective of a business owner and a customer. You will learn about the different activities involved in the planning, pricing, promoting, distributing, and selling of products. As in… Read more

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  • Film and Television 11/12

    In this course students will focus on making and producing films.  Students will work on both the basics and beyond depending on the level they are at.  They will work with a variety of styles and genres of film, both individually and collaboratively.  Using school equipment students will work on… Read more

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  • FIT For LIFE Physical Education 9 – 10

    FIT for LIFE PE is a promotion of life-long physical and mental healthy lifestyles, wellness, and nutrition.This will be an encouraging and supportive environment focused on more personal choice in physical activity, personal goal-setting and engaging in physical pursuits that will last through adulthood. Community recreation access and awareness will… Read more

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  • Foods 9

    This is an introductory course covering: nutritional studies and food preparation in selected areas and consumer education. Students will learn the basics of cooking and baking. The overall theme is “Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner,” so recipes range from pancakes to pasta, eggs to enchiladas! The students will learn the importance… Read more

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  • Foundations of Mathematics and Pre-Calculus 10

    This course is designed for students who intend to enroll in a college or university program other than a trades program.  It is recommended that students wishing to enroll in Foundations of Mathematics and PreCalculus 10 achieved at least 65% in Math 9. This course may include the following concepts:… Read more

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    Mathematics 9



  • French 10

    This course is an intermediate French language class. Some knowledge of French (ideally French 9) is expected. The primary focus of this course will be to learn the language through comprehensible input that focuses on hearing, telling, and writing stories. In addition to high-frequency vocabulary, units will also focus on… Read more

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    French 9



  • Guitar 9-12

    Guitar 9-12 is a space for both beginner and advanced guitar players to develop their playing at their own pace. We’ll be exploring a wide variety of music, playing as a group, and playing on our own. There will be opportunities to learn other instruments, play in small groups, and… Read more

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  • Introductory Spanish 9-11

    This course is an introduction to the Spanish language. You are neither expected nor required to have any previous knowledge of Spanish, but you may be surprised about how much you already know! The primary focus of this course will be to learn Spanish through comprehensible input that focuses on… Read more

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  • Jazz Band 9/10

    Lambrick Park Secondary School offers Jazz Band outside the timetable. At the moment, we rehearse twice a week, once before school and once at lunch. Jazz Band will be open to those students who are regular members of the Concert Band or at the discretion of the band director. Participation… Read more

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  • Junior Concert Band – Music 10

    The Junior Concert Band rehearses during regular school hours. This course is “backed” with P.E., allowing students the maximum number of course options and credits per year. Students will continue to develop their technique, musicianship and music theory. Participation in this group will be open to those students who have… Read more

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  • Learning Strategies 10-12

    This course has been developed to provide an opportunity for students to: receive instruction in strategies to assist general learning in the regular classroom receive assistance utilizing these strategies while doing subject work from regular classrooms receive instruction in organizational/time management strategies receive assistance utilizing these organizational strategies while completing… Read more

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  • Math Department Overview

    Descriptions of the 3 Math Streams: Pre-Calculus  Pre-Calculus (Pre-Cal)* provides students with the mathematical understandings and critical-thinking skills identified for entry into post-secondary programs (e.g. Engineering, Mathematics, and Science) that require the study of theoretical calculus. Topics include: algebra and number, polynomials, relations and functions, trigonometry, and financial mathematics.  Foundations… Read more

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  • Media Art/Film and Television 9-12

    Students in the course will learn the basics of graphic design and film production.  They will learn a variety of technology and programs in order to create their own work and films.  This course will focus on the creative process and seeing project through from the idea phase until the… Read more

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  • Media Arts 9-12

    Students should have a background in art foundations based on the elements and principles of design, from which they will develop a critical response to the media of their environment. Students will create and design with a variety of technology and mediums to produce newsletters, logo designs and documentary video… Read more

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  • Metal Work 9, 10, 11, 12

    This is a wonderful, fun program. Learn how to form and shape metal into useful projects and creative works of art. As a first-time student in the metal shop, you will start with construction of a hose bracket. This project introduces you to most of the machines and processes in… Read more

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  • Modern Languages at Lambrick Park

    We use a multi-dimensional approach to second language learning which emphasizes communicative competence in listening, speaking, reading and writing. At all grade levels, our goal is to increase your knowledge, enjoyment and appreciation for the language and culture of French and Spanish speaking countries and to increase your ability to… Read more

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  • Music 9/10 Concert Choir

    Length: 1 school year Concert Choir at Lambrick meets once a week before school and once a week at lunch. Choir focuses on not only learning and performing a variety of music in a minimum of four-part harmony, but also on building confidence and technique in their individual singing abilities…. Read more

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  • Musical Theatre 9 – 12

    This course meets outside the regular timetable in order to produce a performance of a  full-length Broadway Musical from start to finish.  There are three separate classes that meet as a part of this course: Cast, which needs to audition near the beginning of the school year; Crew, which anyone… Read more

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    Have you ever wanted to climb a mountain? Surf in the ocean? Backpack along the Juan De Fuca trail? Explore the amazing wilderness we are fortunate to share here in Canada and around the world? The outdoor education course is an experiential course designed to offer students the opportunity to… Read more

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  • Physical Education 10

    Prerequisite:  Physical Education 9                                                                                                                          4 credits This course reinforces skills, principles and rules of sport and recreational games acquired prior to this year of Physical Education.  Emphasis is given to the achievement of superior fitness levels and student participation in lifetime and leisure-oriented sport activities is stressed.  CPR (Cardio… Read more

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  • Science 10

    Students gain a foundation in scientific processes and preparation for senior Science courses while exploring four strands of science:  Cells and Heredity, Chemistry, Astronomy, and Energy and its forms. The Big Ideas of the course are: Cells are derived from cells, cell division, as well as the role of DNA… Read more

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    Science 9



  • Social Studies 10

    Social Studies 10 curriculum focuses on the big ideas of how Global and regional conflicts have been a powerful force in shaping our contemporary world and identities. The course will also investigate the development of political institutions and the influences of economic, social, ideological, and geographic factors. Also studied is… Read more

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  • Sports Performance ‐ Basketball 9/10/11/12

    This course is geared towards the basketball player who wishes to improve performance. This will be a multi‐graded class. Students will work on basic skills, strategies, and concepts related to basketball. Additionally students will be able to train using a variety of methods such as weights, circuits and plyometrics  to… Read more

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  • Strings Orchestra

    Length: 1 school year 4 credits This course is designed as a continuation of the grade 8 middle school strings course. It is open to any student with a minimum of 1 year of strings experience. It will be held Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings from 7:20 a.m. to 8:20… Read more

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  • Trades Exploration 9, 10, 11, 12

    Do you like working with your hands and are interested in how things work? This class is for young men and women that would like to learn more about home renovation. In this class we will look at pipe trades (plumbing), residential wiring (electrical), carpentry/joinery, and some basic metal work… Read more

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  • Visual Arts General 10

    This art foundations course builds a repertoire of skills and vocabulary based on the elements and the principles of art with an introduction to art history. Students will explore drawing and painting with an individual research focus. Those students with Visual Arts 9 General will continue to build their foundation… Read more

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  • Vocal Jazz 9-12

    Vocal Jazz meets before school once a week, and once and a while at lunch as needed.  Students must be enrolled in Concert Choir to be in Vocal Jazz. Students are introduced to vocal jazz style, form and listening skills. The student will learn vocal jazz articulations, singing techniques, improvisation… Read more

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  • Web Development 10

    This introductory course is designed to give students a view into the relationship between web structure and content (HTML), style and design, cascading style sheets (CSS) functionality and interactivity (Javascript). 

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  • Woodworking 9, 10, 11, 12

    This beginning course in woodworking is open to all students. The course is designed to introduce students to the proper use of power tools and machines used in industry and the home. The emphasis will be on safety, machine operating procedures, maintenance and care. The students will be taught the… Read more

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  • Workplace Math 10

    This course is designed for students who intend to enter the workforce, pursue a trades program, enter into an apprenticeship, and/or enroll in college.  This course may include the following concepts: Create, interpret, and critique graphs, primary trigonometric ratios, metric and imperial measurement and conversions, surface area and volume, central tendency, experimental… Read more

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